The best gaming CPU just got better

AMD Ryzen 5 3600 review
The AMD Ryzen 5 3600 is mighty hexacore chip. This 7nm processor built upon the scalable Zen 2 architecture is arguably as close as you can get nowadays to the perfect blend of speed and value. But is it fit to take on the best gaming CPU mantle from the unequivocally fantastic, cheaper than ever Ryzen 5 2600?
On specs and performance, the Ryzen 5 3600 is without a doubt a prime slab of silicon ripe for gamers’ rigs. The Zen 2 architecture is working wonders for AMD’s desktop lineup in 2019, bringing with it the benefits of the 7nm process node. We’re seeing higher clock speeds, by a touch; far greater power efficiency; and a significant increase in memory compatibility.
Most important of all, Zen 2 also brings with it a hefty increase to instructions per clock (IPC) – some 15% in fact. That’s only a little shy of enough extra compute brain power to close the gap between AMD and its age-old rival, Intel, in gaming workloads, and rendering the performance delta between the two companies’ finest ostensibly negligible